NSW Wedding Requirements: Must-Haves for a Legal Ceremony

"THIS MISTAKE almost caused me a lot of headache... was thinking I could get married the next day... whenever I wanted to..."
till I found out I had to lodge a Notice of Intention to Marry (NOIM) at least 1 month before the intended date. (I hope this would save some people out there...)
In New South Wales, Australia, there are a few bare minimum requirements to get married:
- Legal Age: Both partners must be 18 years of age or older.
- No Existing Marriages: Neither partner can be legally married to someone else.
- Notice of Intention to Marry (NOIM): At least one month (but no more than 18 months) before the wedding, you need to lodge a Notice of Intention to Marry (NOIM) with an authorised celebrant. The celebrant will give you a Certificate of Marriage after the ceremony. You can find information on finding an authorised celebrant on the NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages: [invalid URL removed] website.
- Two Witnesses: There must be at least two witnesses present at the ceremony who are 18 years or older and understand what's happening. They will be required to sign the paperwork after the ceremony.
Additional points to consider:
- While not mandatory, you may also want to consider getting your marriage registered. This creates an official record of your marriage and can be helpful for legal or administrative purposes.
- There may be additional requirements depending on your circumstances, such as if you've been previously married or are not Australian citizens. It's always best to check with an authorised celebrant or the NSW Registry for the latest information.
Here are some helpful resources for more information on getting married in New South Wales:
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages - Getting Married: https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/apply-to-get-married-at-a-registry-office
- Authorised Celebrants Search: https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/births-deaths-marriages/business-partners/marriage-celebrants
Photo by Petr Ovralov on Unsplash