Flower Delivery to Newcastle & Lake Macquarie Suburbs
Same Day Flower Delivery
Same day flower delivery is available from Monday to Saturday, order before 1pm. Orders will be delivered between 1pm & 6pm. Do reach out if a specific time is required.
If a recipient is not home, flowers will be left in a safe and secure place. Please provide the recipients phone number so we can contact them to ensure a smooth delivery.
We deliver up to 20km from Macquarie Hills (our home studio florist in Lake Macquarie). Do reach out if the suburb you're intending to send to isn't within this range. We do flowers delivery in Newcastle, and also flowers delivery in Lake Macquarie.
A notification will be sent when the order is Out For Delivery, and when it has been sent. So you're part of the process all the way. We strive to be the best florist in Newcastle, and best florist in Lake Macquarie.
Flower Delivery to Hospitals/Nursing Homes
Yes, we deliver to hospitals.
For Same Day Flower Delivery, order before 1pm Monday-Saturday.
Hospitals we deliver flowers to;
John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle Private Hospital, Lake Macquarie Private Hospital, Warners Bay Private Hospital, Calvary Mater Newcastle Hospital.
Do reach out to check if the hospital is not listed here.
We recommend sending flowers and gifts in vase, box or pot.
Please provide the following detail to assist us with delivering your love & thoughts to the recipient.
- Full Name
- Hospital Name, Ward & Bed Number
- Staff or Patient
Newcastle & Lake Macquarie Suburbs Flower Delivery
(Use Ctrl + F to find the suburb on your browser)
- Adamstown (2289)
- Adamstown Heights (2289)
- Argenton (2284)
- Barnsley (2278)
- Bar Beach (2300)
- Belmont (2280)
- Belmont North (2280)
- Belmont South (2280)
- Bennetts Green (2290)
- Birmingham Gardens (2287)
- Blackalls Park (2283)
- Blacksmiths (2281)
- Bolton Point (2283)
- Boolaroo (2284)
- Booragul (2284)
- Broadmeadow (2292)
- Callaghan (2308)
- Cameron Park (2285)
- Carey Bay (2283)
- Cardiff (2285) - Newcastle
- Cardiff Heights (2285)
- Cardiff South (2285)
- Carrington (2294)
- Charlestown (2290)
- Coal Point (2283)
- Cooks Hill (2300)
- Croudace Bay (2280)
- Dudley (2290)
- Edgeworth (2285)
- Eleebana (2282)
- Elermore Vale (2287)
- Fennell Bay (2283)
- Fletcher (2287)
- Floraville (2280)
- Garden Suburb (2289)
- Gateshead (2290)
- Georgetown (2298)
- Glendale (2285)
- Hamilton East (2303)
- Hamilton South (2303)
- Highfields (2289)
- Hillsborough (2290)
- Holmesville (2286)
- Islington (2296)
- Jesmond (2299)
- Jewells (2280)
- Kahibah (2289)
- Kilaben Bay (2283)
- Killingworth (2278)
- Kotara (2289)
- Kotara South (2289)
- Lambton (2299)
- Marks Point (2280)
- Maryville (2293)
- Maryland (2287)
- Marmong Point (2284)
- Mayfield (2304)
- Mayfield West (2304)
- Mayfield North (2304)
- Merewether (2291)
- Merewether Heights (2291)
- Minmi (2287)
- Mount Hutton (2290)
- Newcastle East (2300)
- Newcastle West (2302)
- New Lambton (2299)
- New Lambton Heights (2305)
- North Lambton (2305)
- Pelican (2281)
- Rankin Park (2287)
- Redhead (2290)
- Sandgate (2304)
- Seahampton (2286)
- Shortland (2307)
- Speers Point (2284)
- Teralba (2284)
- Tighes Hill (2297)
- Tingira Heights (2290)
- The Junction (2291)
- Toronto (2283)
- Valentine (2280)
- Wakefield (2278)
- Wallsend (2287)
- Warabrook (2304)
- Waratah (2298)
- Waratah West (2298)
- Warners Bay (2282)
- West Wallsend (2286)
- Windale (2306)
- Whitebridge (2290)
If you require further information, check out our FAQ page or just shoot us a message and we'll get back to you shortly.
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Occasion - Sympathy
At Five Petals, we understand that the loss of a loved...